Natalie Hemengül
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Does working out boost your sex life?

If you’re physically active that’s a plus – also in the bedroom. Sex therapist Dania Schiftan explains how exercising can have a positive effect on your sex drive and why too much of a good thing can do the opposite.

Dania, does being physically fit have anything to do with having a fulfilling sex life?

Dania Schiftan, sexologist and psychotherapist: yes, it does. In fact, medical researchers are finding more and more evidence that there’s a close link between cardiovascular health and sexual health. High blood pressure or diabetes can cause erectile dysfunction or a reduced libido, for example. Exercising can prevent this or at least reduce the effects.


A meta-analysis carried out in 2023 revealed that men who do regular endurance training also benefit from significantly better erectile function. Aerobic exercise, which includes running, swimming or cycling, improves cardiovascular health and increases nitric oxide production. This can lead to dilated blood vessels, which, in turn, enables better blood flow to the erectile tissue in the penis. In fact, the effect can be similar to treating the issue with medication. Being physically active also boosts mental and sexual stamina.

And what about women?

Women who regularly exercise may feel more aroused and satisfied. What’s interesting is that having sex right after a workout can supercharge your desire. This is owed to the increased blood flow and hormonal effects.

Speaking of hormones, how do they tie into our sexuality and physical activity?

The endorphins, testosterone and dopamine released during physical exercise has a direct influence on our sex lives. Therefore, regular excercise can have a profound effect on hormonal processes.

What jobs do these hormones do?

Endorphins are also referred to as happy hormones. They’re neurotransmitters and act as natural painkillers and mood boosters that reduce stress and promote general well-being and relaxation. This can have a positive effect on your libido. You’ve probably heard of a runner’s high. That state of euphoria some people get after a run. Well, this can indirectly increase your sexual desire.

Sports and sexual pleasure often go hand in hand.
Sports and sexual pleasure often go hand in hand.
Source: Natalie Hemengül

What about testosterone?

Strength training in particular can increase your testosterone levels. This may also mean increased sex drive and stamina in both men and women. Studies have shown that moderate to intense exercises such as weightlifting or HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) are particularly good at naturally increasing testosterone levels in your body.

And what’s up with dopamine?

Dopamine plays an important role in our brain’s reward system. It’s linked to motivation and pleasure, including sexual desire. It’s the same thing again here: higher dopamine levels, which are particularly boosted by endurance training, can lead to wanting more sex.

What about stress?

Getting regular exercise helps keep the stress hormone cortisol in check, which is great news, as high cortisol levels tend to be libido killers. However, if you’re lowering your cortisol and releasing endorphins and dopamine at the same time, this can be a stress-busting combination overall. And that’s great, because stress is often the cause of libido loss in our daily lives as well as the underlying cause of sexual dysfunction.

Are there other sports or forms of exercise besides endurance and strength training that can boost your sex life?

Pelvic floor exercises can increase the control over muscles in the genital area in both men and women. The positive effects include better erections in men and more intense orgasms in women. Women particularly benefit from this during peri- and postmenopause. Yoga, for example, famously reduces stress, improves flexibility and improves body awareness. Pilates has similar effects.

So in terms of your sex life, does this mean physical activity has both a physical effect as well as a mental one?

Several scientific studies have proven that regular physical activity increases body awareness and confidence. Physically active individuals often worry less about their appearance and feel more confident in intimate situations, which is the basis for a fulfilled sex life.

Can too much exercising have a negative effect on your sex life?

The rule of thumb is that moderate exercise is beneficial for your sexual health, but exercising too often or too intensely can be bad news. Overtraining syndrome, for example, is caused by overly intense exercising. It leads to chronic fatigue and lowers testosterone levels and therefore your libido, too. In women, excessive training can lead to a hormonal imbalance and disruptions in the menstrual cycle as a consequence. These hormonal changes can have adverse effects on desire and fertility. Studies have shown that women in competitive sports suffer from these hormonal disorders more often.

How do you prevent this from happening?

It’s important to have enough recovery time between workouts and to pay attention to your body’s signals.

You can find all the other articles in this series here:

  • Guide

    Everything about sexuality

    by Natalie Hemengül

Header image: Natalie Hemengül

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