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Cable pullers

In the Cable Pullers category, customers can expect a wide range of products designed to assist with the installation and routing of cables. This category features top brands like Runpotec, C.K Magma, Yato, Cimco, and Katimex, each offering reliable and efficient tools for various cable-pulling needs. Popular products include the Runpo 5 30m, Spiraflex, Professional cable retractor 30m, Kati Blitz, and Cable retraction system Kati Blitz compact, all renowned for their high performance and durability.

The main subtypes of cable pullers include cable retractors, retractable tape, and cable pulling socks, categorized by the type of cable pulling system they offer. Cable retractors, like the Professional cable retractor from Yato, are designed to be both portable and powerful, making them suitable for long-distance cable runs. Retractable tape, such as the Spiraflex from C.K Magma, features a flexible and durable tape system that is easy to maneuver through confined spaces. Cable pulling socks, on the other hand, are essential for gripping and pulling cables without causing damage, perfect for use in various cable diameters and materials.

When selecting the ideal cable puller, there are several key properties to consider. Look for the pulling strength and length of the cable retractor to ensure it matches the scale of your project. The flexibility and tensile strength of retractable tape are critical factors, as these determine how efficiently the tape can navigate through obstacles without breaking. For cable pulling socks, consider the range of cable diameters they can accommodate and the material used for good grip and durability. By keeping these properties in mind, customers can filter and find the most suitable cable puller for their specific requirements, ensuring efficient and seamless cable installation.