The man of the first hour in Krefeld
We’re growing and picking up the pace. Next year, the Galaxus site in Krefeld will be moved to a larger logistics centre. As a result, the demand is increasing for qualified logistics workers. One of them is Steffen Beniers, Leader Logistics and Krefeld’s very first employee. I wanted to find out what his work day is like and what makes it special.
Steffen, you’re the Leader Logistics. What’s your typical work day like?
Steffen: To be honest, no two days are the same. I have two core responsibilities: on the one hand, my team and I are in charge of the day-to-day operational business – we process the given order volume. On the other hand, I also have to plan for the future. For example, what might the situation look like in six months to a year? And what might the corresponding order volume be? How do we handle the upcoming Christmas sales? What can we do better next time? These are questions I concern myself with in great detail. To this end, I hold many meetings with executives, project managers and the logistics team in Switzerland, but also with external service providers. In addition, my responsibilities include team building and recruiting new talent.
Sounds varied, but more like office work than logistics. Do you work mainly at a desk?
I do indeed work mostly in the office, especially during the first three quarters of each year. There’s no way around it due to the many meetings, evaluations and process coordination. But this wasn’t always the case. During my first few months, I was out in the field every day, packing every single package myself and placing it on the DHL driver’s passenger seat (laughs). This changed drastically over the years, with team leaders taking over many of my tasks. However, keeping in touch with the employees in the warehouse is very important to me, so I do my best to check in with them. I’m happy to get on a forklift myself and lend a hand – especially during the Christmas season. I’m definitely on the ground more now, supporting the team wherever I can.
Since day one, I’ve been doing my best to live and breathe the spirit of Galaxus.
I get the impression that being close to your employees and working together is important to you. Does this show in your team’s spirit?
Yes, very much so. There’s this sense of unity – even in stressful times. Since day one, I’ve been doing my best to live and breathe the spirit of Galaxus. This isn’t always easy. Sometimes, it somewhat conflicts with the work we do in logistics, because it does require a certain level of discipline. That said, it’s important to me that the employees enjoy what they’re doing. Every now and then, we’ll order a pizza and work on our bond as a team away from the daily grind. Based on the feedback from my colleagues, I seem to be doing a good job of balancing the rather fixed structure of logistics with the culture at Galaxus. I’m very pleased about that.

How did you first become aware of Galaxus?
That was a stroke of luck. I was no longer satisfied at my former employer, which was mainly due to the working atmosphere there. I can recall it like it was just yesterday: it was a Monday morning. I had been working for an hour and was already in a bad mood. So, I threw a glance at some job adverts and came across the one at Galaxus. It wasn’t written like your typical advert, which I thought was very cool. So, I applied on the off chance I’d get the position. In didn’t take long for me to realise this was the job for me. Several weeks – and interview rounds – later, I found myself at the Zurich headquarters for one final interview. When I found out I had got the job, I was elated.
[...] that everyone here communicates at eye level. This is something that’s really lived at Galaxus and something I’ve never experienced anywhere else.
Interesting! And how do you feel about working at Galaxus nowadays?
I was the first employee in Krefeld, and that was an exciting and thrilling journey. I was able to witness and help shape the growth and changes, for which I’m very grateful. What I appreciate most is that everyone here communicates at eye level. This is something that’s really lived at Galaxus and something I’ve never experienced anywhere else. Of course we’re a success-oriented company. I believe this works so well at Galaxus mainly because the employees are involved and can make their own decisions. As a result, each employee develops a certain sense of personal responsibility and wants to help drive the company forward. The fact that we celebrate our successes is also great. We certainly do so at Galaxus – with great enthusiasm (laughs).
But it can’t always be smooth sailing, can it? What are some difficulties you face on the daily?
After only three years, we’re still pretty much at the beginning here in Germany. Despite planning guides and current figures, our work is quite unpredictable. For example, there are always uncertainties as to the volume of incoming goods the next day or the volume of orders on the weekend. We have to react to these things spontaneously and master them with whoever’s available. For some time now in Krefeld, we’ve been struggling with the fact that space is very limited, which requires a lot of improvisation on our part. Last year, I said we’d manage the 2021 Christmas sales – with a lot of hacks, mind you (laughs). But next year that won’t be possible; it’ll definitely be too much to handle. Plans for expansion are already on the table, and we feel confident about the next year.

And what do you do in your free time?
I’m very much on the move and like to stay active. I’ve been playing soccer since I was a kid, though these days I play just for fun with friends. I also recently discovered Spikeball, a trendy sport from the United States that I play twice a week. Another passion of mine is music. I’ve been playing the trombone for 25 years and am in a carnival band. So, you can catch me performing or partying come carnival time. Other than that, you’re likely to run into me at festivals and concerts – when they hopefully start up again. Oh, and my dog Marshall keeps me on my toes (laughs). Sometimes I take him with me to the office, which everyone’s always excited about. Not to mention he loves being petted by so many people (laughs).
Thank you, Steffen, for your time and the insightful conversation.
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