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Passion legends: sex myths about men

Janina Lebiszczak
Translation: Julia Graham

Men and their myths: from sperm duct blockages to erectile dysfunction caused by heat and even broken penises – is there any truth in the buzzwords that cause sexual anxiety?

Does the taste of sperm really change depending on what men have eaten or drunk beforehand? Every teenager has at least heard of this myth – and a lot of them have talked to their friends about it. A Hamburg sexual therapist already discovered in 2017 when she carried out a series of tests on 50 couples that beer, garlic and aspirin in particular can well and truly spoil a person’s appetite for oral love. On the other hand, 1.5 litres of pineapple juice give ejaculate a fruity flavour. So there is something behind this myth. However, I sought advice when checking if the rest of the passion legends were true. Together with Volker Wittkamp, I took a closer look at the main myths about men and deciphered the fact from the fiction.

Volker is a urologist, author and sex expert who teaches the world the facts of life via social media. But he always imparts his knowledge in a fun and sensitive way. That’s what gives him a lot more opportunity to communicate topics that are considered taboo in a laid-back way. His accounts are testament to the fact that this strategy works. On TikTok, he totals over 900,000 followers, together with star gynaecologist Sheila de Liz. His Instagram account has more than 20,000 fans.

That pays dividends. Wittkamp also advises «Arcwave», a pleasure brand for men that understandably cares about the erotic wellbeing of its customers. The first product was launched in 2020 following more than two years of development. The «Ion» stimulates the penis with pulsating ripples of air.

Sex myth 1: can a penis break?

A break usually means fracturing a bone. As the penis has no bones it in, you’d be inclined to think this myth wasn’t true. But Volker Wittkamp reveals that it can indeed break. «It’s just that it’s more of a tear to the erectile tissue than a classic break. No matter what the word means, the point is it’s not at all pleasant. If the man does tear, it’s usually because they slip when having sex. And if it ends up looking like an aubergine, you should go to hospital as soon as possible,» he recommends.

Sex myth 2: can you get a sperm blockage?

This is a persistent rumour that men like to use as leverage or an excuse for sex. They say that if guys don’t have intercourse or masturbate, they’re in danger of their sperm ducts getting blocked, which is painful. However, the myth of what’s known as «blue balls» is fiction, as sperm can’t get backed up. The human body is well prepared, so it either breaks down the ejaculate or flushes it out in urine. Nevertheless, Volker points out that «you can get spontaneous discharge at night if you haven’t ejaculated for a long time. But it’s not at all sore.»

Sex myth 3: does heat cause impotence?

Heated car seats, saunas or baths that are too hot can cause erectile dysfunction. This myth is primarily down to the fact that the word «impotence» is still misinterpreted. It means erectile dysfunction, in other words, the absence of an erection or it not lasting long enough for penetrative sex. «Heat promotes blood circulation, meaning it’s actually quite good for helping things along,» explains the «Arcwave» expert. Nonetheless, this myth isn’t that far-fetched because heat actually has a negative impact on the sperm – both in terms of number and quality of them. So, if you’re thinking about family planning, it’s better to stay cool.

Sex myth 4: lack of erection equals lack of arousal?

Failure to get an erection is often taken as a sign that there’s no sexual desire. Volker Wittkamp explains why this isn’t entirely true. «Getting an erection differs greatly from person to person. It’s also highly dependent on the situation and the person’s age. The younger the man is, the quicker he’ll get hard.» Stress, tiredness and being worried can also be reasons why someone can’t get a hard-on. Adequate rest and a healthy diet have a positive effect. Above all, what’s most helpful is clear communication with your partner about what you want and expect. But the reverse can also be true – that men can get hard without being sexually aroused. «Sometimes just accidental contact, a strange thought or, paradoxically, even stress or being worried can set it off. What’s more, the penis also regularly gets stiff at night. In theory, that’s when it trains. And if you wake up during its workout, you’ll discover the infamous morning wood,» explains Volker.

Sex myth 5: men don’t have a G-spot

You could dedicate a whole article to this. But to get straight to the point and answer the question «do men have a G-spot», yes. It’s called the prostate. But according to a global study, more than a third of respondents around the world didn’t know that the prostate is an erogenous zone. «Arcwave» carried out this representative study in May 2022 in collaboration with the open research institute «Lucid». More than 22,300 participants were involved from 15 countries (including Germany, Austria and Switzerland).

What’s sad but true is that 33% of the men surveyed knew about this erotic zone but didn’t have any experience with it. Only one in six stimulated it regularly. «In heterosexual relationships, doing so is often considered taboo.» That’s why sexual wellness expert Volker is of the opinion that there are some prejudices to overcome. «We can confidently describe the prostate as the male counterpart of the female G-spot. It can be stimulated via the anus and also externally via the perineum. Men can even orgasm by doing so – and a lot of them say it’s certainly not the worst they’ve experienced.»

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