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No more cash: new Monopoly version comes with a banking app

Stephan Lamprecht
Translation: machine translated

Hasbro is turning the classic Monopoly game on its head and launching "Monopoly App Banking", a version designed to make the board game more interesting for children and young people.

In the new "Monopoly App Banking", a mobile app replaces cash and makes the role of the banker superfluous. The app automatically tracks cash balances, carries out transactions and keeps track of all players' possessions. This should make it easier for children to get started.

The game board itself is also getting a modern makeover: the traditional streets are giving way to child-friendly alternatives. Instead of acquiring boring properties, there is now a rocket launch pad, a chocolate factory, a dinosaur park or even the moon to buy.

The days of roads are over in the new Monopoly.
The days of roads are over in the new Monopoly.
Source: Hasbro

New game mechanics are designed to shorten gameplay

And this is how the cashless Monopoly works: All players choose a matching bank card in addition to their game piece. They later scan this together with the title deed using the app. This automates transactions such as property purchases and rent payments. Hasbro emphasises in the press release that the innovation will speed up the game. The aim is to keep younger players interested. With the "old" Monopoly, a game can take several hours.

The app also contains mini-games that can be used to earn perks. Hasbro has not revealed what these are. These additional games in between are also aimed at younger players.

No more cheating and no more mental arithmetic

The integration of an app should put a stop to any cheating in Monopoly. However, mental arithmetic and gaining experience in handling cash are also history - how this is received by parents remains to be seen.

"Monopoly App Banking" is due to appear in stores in the summer.

Header image: Hasbro

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