
iOS 17: how to save maps offline in Apple Maps

Jan Johannsen
Translation: Patrik Stainbrook

With iOS 17, something Google Maps has long offered finally makes its way to Apple: offline maps.

Offline maps are useful. They save on data and show you the way when there’s no mobile internet. They allow you to search for destinations and navigate – without real-time traffic data or bus and train connections.

Navigating without internet

To download offline maps with Apple, you’ll need to open the app after updating to iOS 17. Next, tap on your profile photo at the bottom right. Important: don’t click on «More» under the profile picture. That’ll take you to your Favourites.

After tapping your profile picture, you can select offline maps.
After tapping your profile picture, you can select offline maps.
Source: Jan Johannsen

Offline maps will be right in the middle of the five options now visible. Tap on it and the app will directly suggest a map for you to download. In my case, it’s Hamburg and the surrounding area, given my stored address. Altogether, this offline map occupies 501.2 megabytes in my iPhone.

The overview of offline maps and the associated settings.
The overview of offline maps and the associated settings.
Source: Jan Johannsen

If I tap on «Download New Map», I can enter place names and get other map sections suggested. If I’m not happy with it, I can expand or tighten the frame – and change the aspect ratio.

This proposed area for Zurich is 302.9 megabytes.
This proposed area for Zurich is 302.9 megabytes.
Source: Jan Johannsen

You can choose to update offline maps automatically in the settings. You can also set up memory optimisation. What this really means: Apple will delete offline maps that haven’t been used for a long time. In addition, Apple Maps offers offline maps even when an internet connection is available. This can be handy if your data volume is limited.

Header image: Jan Johannsen

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