How your cells react to strength or endurance training
Translation: machine translated
Have you ever wondered how strength training actually works to make you stronger and gain more muscle mass? Why does endurance training not make you stronger, but more enduring? It works like this.
When you pick up a dumbbell and do a bicep curl, for example, your body feels it at a molecular level. The dumbbell or the external resistance causes a variety of mechanical stresses, such as shear and tensile forces, on your cells. In cell biology, this is also referred to as mechanosensing [14]. Our tissue and cells are interconnected by different structures. A distinction is made between extracellular and intracellular structures and components.
The extracellular environment of our muscle cells consists largely of collagen. Proteins such as laminin or perlecan bind to it, which in turn are directly connected to internal muscle cell proteins via integrin or dystroglycan. These internal proteins have wonderful-sounding names such as paxilin, talin, vinculin, dystrophin, alpha-actinin and many more. For the interested reader, I refer here to Mavropalias et al, 2022 [15]. If, as mentioned above, external forces act, these are transmitted via structural proteins to the cell interior, where they trigger signals (cell signalling) via biochemical reactions, which ultimately end up in the cell nucleus [16-18]. There, genes are read and the corresponding proteins are translated. The cell can thus react to external stressors.
Die grundsätzliche Fähigkeit, sich bewegen zu können, ist ein Hauptmerkmal des Lebens. Diese Fähigkeit ermöglichte den Übergang von Prokaryoten (Zellen ohne Zellkern, keine internen Membranen) zu Eukaryoten (Zellen mit Zellkern, mit internen Membranen) [1]. Die Organisation dieser gesteigerten Komplexität war eine Herausforderung, da sie mit der Erzeugung von Kräften verbunden war. Die Zelle musste ihre internen Organellen organisieren, wozu sie molekulare Motoren brauchte, die Kraft erzeugen können. Molekulare Motoren sind mechanisch-chemische Enzyme, die in Adenosintriphosphat (ATP) enthaltene, chemische Energie in mechanische Arbeit umwandeln und dadurch Kraft erzeugen [2,3]. Diese Kräfte werden unter anderem dazu verwendet, zellinterne Strukturen zu organisieren, Membrane zu transportieren [4], Chromosomen und Organellen fortzubewegen [5,6], die zelluläre Migration [7] zu ermöglichen und die Muskelkontraktion [8–11] zu koordinieren. Die Möglichkeit, gerichtet Kraft zu erzeugen und die spätere Entwicklung von Muskeln, verschaffte frühen Lebensformen einen evolutionären Vorteil [12] und zeigte sich in der Vielfältigkeit der sich daraus entwickelten Lebensformen [13]. Die Fähigkeit, Kraft zu entwickeln, lässt uns mit unserer Umwelt und sozial interagieren. Die natürliche Selektion treibt die Evolution in die Richtung, in die jene Lebensformen überleben und sich durchsetzen, die sich am besten an die gegebene Umwelt anpassen können.
Any type of force development for exercise or sport is associated with energy consumption and can influence the metabolism of our cells. The disruption of metabolic processes does not go undetected within the cells. In the muscle cell, it is the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) that detects an increase in energy metabolism. It measures the ratio of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to diphosphate (ADP) or monophosphate (AMP). ATP is the energy currency in our muscle cells. When a phosphate group is split off, energy is produced that the muscles need, among other things, for muscle contraction. The splitting off of a phosphate group leads to a reduction in the number of phosphates in ATP. When a phosphate group is split off, ATP becomes ADP and when another phosphate group is split off from ADP, AMP is formed. AMPK therefore recognises energy stress and coordinates processes in the cell that build up or break down [19].
Energy stress stimulates a signalling pathway with the long English name peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma coactivator-1α (PGC-1α), which promotes the formation of mitochondria and blood vessels. Mechanical stress stimulates a signalling pathway via mTOR. This is the abbreviation for mechanistic target of rapamycin and is a signalling pathway that stimulates growth processes such as muscle growth.
Adaptations for endurance and strength training
Endurance training is usually characterised by continuous low-intensity phases [20] that allow the exercises to be maintained over a longer period of time. Typical endurance exercises include walking, running, cycling or swimming. Endurance training poses a challenge to the metabolic system as it disrupts the intracellular concentrations of oxygen, lactate, reactive oxygen species, adenosine triphosphate and calcium [21].
In contrast to endurance training, strength training involves short phases of higher to maximum intensity [22]. Strength training challenges the mechanical integrity [23,24] of the tissue and the metabolic balance of the muscles [25,26]. Systematic application of mechanical [27-29] and metabolic loads [30-32] to the human body results in morphological and neural adaptations [33]. These adaptations include, for example, changes in the size [34,35] and structure [36] of muscle cells, growth of myofibrils and proliferation of mitochondria [37,38], metabolic profiles [39] and much more.
The adaptations of endurance and strength training are different and therefore suggest that differences in the contractile activity of the muscles lead to different adaptations.
As early as 1997, Dolmetsch et al. [40] showed that different signalling pathways are selectively activated depending on the intensity of a signal. Atherton and colleagues isolated muscles from rats in 2005 and stimulated them electrically at a high frequency over a short period of time (6 x 10 repetitions consisting of 3-s bursts of 100 Hz) to simulate strength training or at a low frequency (3 h at 10 Hz) to simulate endurance training. Strength training significantly increased muscle protein synthesis by a factor of 5.3 (P < 0.05) 3 h after stimulation compared to endurance training. The endurance training did not statistically significantly increase the muscle protein synthesis rate compared to the control group. However, the endurance protocol significantly (P < 0.05) increased AMPK activity in the muscle cells after 3 hours and after 6 hours compared to strength training. This led to a significant activation of PGC-1α immediately after training (P < 0.5). Different intensities, simulating endurance or strength training, therefore led to the activation of different signalling pathways. These appear to inhibit each other.
Fascinating how cells can react very sensitively to external stress. This also explains why the adaptations are always very specific to the corresponding training stimulus. Congratulations if you've read this far.
As a little mental exercise, I will now ask the question:
Does it make sense to combine strength and endurance training in a single training session?
- Sure, pack everything into one unit.
- No, by no means. Focus!
- I don't know, you're the expert. Explain it to me in an article.
The competition has ended.
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Molecular and Muscular Biologist. Researcher at ETH Zurich. Strength athlete.