
How to get your kids into hiking – top tips from Hiker Dad

Motivating my kids to go hiking is like putting trekking boots on a mountain goat. An senseless endeavour. I interviewed hiking pro and author Rémy Kappeler and asked him for some advice on how to get little ones excited about hiking.

The school autumn holidays are just a few weeks away. Our hiking equipment’s all set, but there’s one thing missing. Motivation from our kids. And that’s the real challenge. Although we’re a very active family, our four- and seven-year-old daughters draw the line at hiking. They won’t set foot in a hiking boot without a bribe. And it’s not like the persuading ends once we’re out the door. So shortly before our holidays in the mountains begin, I set out to get help from a professional. Rémy Kappeler, a 49-year-old father of three, author of «Wanderpapa – Familiengeschichten vom Wanderweg» (Hiker Dad – family stories from the hiking trails) and editor-in-chief of the Swiss Hiking Association’s magazine

Rémy, my children refuse to hike. They even protest at the smallest stroll. Does this sound familiar?
Rémy Kappeler: Totally. You’re not alone. Kids today have an insane amount of activities to choose from. Many things just seem way cooler than hiking with your parents. My children are no different. Sometimes they’re up for it, other times they’re not.

Should I still insist, even if they’re not feeling it at all?
Forcing them isn’t the way to go. Instead, you could think about how to change their minds. How to make them love the hike. My daughter once told me our hikes usually turn out cooler than expected. I thought that was a nice realisation.

Bern-based Rémy Kappeler published «Wanderpapa – Familiengeschichten vom Wanderweg» («Hiking dad – family stories from the hiking trails») in 2021 – a guidebook for hiking with children.
Bern-based Rémy Kappeler published «Wanderpapa – Familiengeschichten vom Wanderweg» («Hiking dad – family stories from the hiking trails») in 2021 – a guidebook for hiking with children.
Source: Jürg Buschor

So how do I go about motivating them?
Find a nice reason for the hike. Come up with a goal, an adventure that awaits. Maybe there’s a waterfall, a ruin or a cave you can discover on the way. Present your plan at the right moment. When you’re having lunch, for example. If your kids aren’t interested at that moment, try again later. «Look kids, I’d love to go on this hike on Sunday. There’s a dark cave waiting to be discovered. Wanna join?»

«What counts is your enthusiasm. Show them you’re excited and convince them it’s going to be really cool.»

So the adventure part is important.
Yes. At least if your kids are under ten. But what’s even more important is your enthusiasm. Show them you’re excited and tell them: «Listen, this is fun. It’s going to be really cool!»

I can tell this is going to be a real sales pitch. I’ll have to prepare well to leave an impression.
(laughs) If your kids are making that much of a stand against hiking, you’re probably right. But once you’ve experienced two or three fun hikes together, you’ll be able to draw on those memories. «Remember that time? That was so much fun!»

Convincing my children to go is only half the battle, though. Once we’re on the move, it won’t take long until I’m hearing «How much longer?» and «Are we there yet?» on repeat. Or they might just refuse to go on altogether and throw themselves on the ground.
I’ve been there. Please don’t take it personally. Children do things on the spur of the moment and according to their current mood. Take it as a challenge. And with a sense of humour if you can.

Got it. And how do I keep them happy on the way?
There are two strategies you can apply. The first one is distracting and talking. In a moment of crisis, you could pull out a picnic or play a game. «I spy» for example, is a classic. We often play «find the gummy bears.» This involves me walking ahead to hide gummy bears and my kids following close behind, looking for them.

And what do you mean by «talking»?
Storytelling. Make a game out of it. Your kids give you key words and you turn those into a story. I try to incorporate exciting details from our surroundings. Let’s say there’s a forest clearing in the distance. I might come up with something like the devil was bowling one day and dropped his ball there.

Rémy Kappeler with two of his three kids on the Gällihore near Kandersteg.
Rémy Kappeler with two of his three kids on the Gällihore near Kandersteg.

What’s the second strategy if they’re fed up?
Listening. Sit down next to your child and ask what's wrong. «What’s up? Why have you stopped?» Sometimes there’s a simple reason for the strike. In the past, this technique has helped me find out that my daughter was annoyed at her brother and didn’t want to walk with him anymore. My wife and I then separated the kids for half an hour. They were fine again after that.

In your book you provide parents with so-called bluff notes with facts about nature. What are those?
As a mum or dad, you’re also a role model. Use that to your advantage and impress your wee ones with your knowledge. I’ve come to realise that my kids love it when I dish out little-known facts about nature. So I’ve started to write down three to four showstoppers we’ll come across on our hike. I also note down some background information, so I can answer any follow-up questions the children may have. Those notes I call my bluff notes.

«When you’re hiking, you can throw your principles out of the window for a change.»

Let’s go back to the gummy bears. How important are these types of energy boosts when you’re out and about?
We always have some gummy bears with us. As well as dried fruit and some muesli bars. The odd sweet is fine. Besides, when you’re hiking you can throw your principles out of the window for a change – at least that’s my take. This could involve handing out the sweets before lunch.

What else should we pack in those kiddie rucksacks?
Apart from sturdy shoes and rain gear, kids need quick-drying trousers, so they don’t miss out on epic water fights on the way. Our kids usually also carry the picnic in their rucksacks. So once lunchtime’s over, their load is much lighter. You want to avoid giving them a rucksack that’s too heavy. Having said that, they’re also proud if they get to carry something.

Are there other items you bring on every hike with your kids?
Headlamps. There’s always an opportunity to look at or into something. The flashlight on your mobile won’t cut it in most cases. If the weather’s right, we also bring our swimming gear for some fun in the water. If it’s very hot, we also like to pack special cooling towels. What you do is wet them, shake them and then they turn cold.

What do you think of child carriers?
Love them. I’d recommend them to anyone with young children. It gave us a piece of freedom. If things came to a halt, we could just scoop up our kid, pop them in the carrier and off we went.

All we need now is a destination. Would you mind sharing your favourite hike?
I don’t have one. I always say that the best hike is the one yet to come.

What hike with kids would you recommend for the autumn?
I’ve got four for you and I’ve been on all of them:

  1. The red and yellow waters in Morgins VS (link in German)
  2. The glacier gate in Grächen VS (link in German)
  3. The impressive sandstone caves in Staffelbach AG (link in German)
  4. The dark hole at the waterfall in Val de Travers NE (link in German)

What about the estimated hiking times when you’ve got children with you?
Double them. That way you won’t be stressed. If you’re relaxed and in a good mood, it will be way easier with your kids. And stressed parents are so uncool.

Header image: Shutterstock

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