Germans buy fewer TV sets, but more expensive ones on average
2021 was not a good year in the market for televisions. 20 percent fewer sets were sold than in the boom year 2020, but the average price rose.
A total of just under 5.9 million TV sets were sold in Germany in 2021. These figures were announced by gfu Consumer & Home Electronics. The decline was to be expected, according to the industry association. This is because in the first pandemic year of 2020, people in Germany had invested an above-average amount in home electronics products. A repeat of these high sales in 2021 was therefore not to be expected.
TVs are getting bigger - and more expensive
The decline in sales was less pronounced. This was because consumers were increasingly turning to sets with larger screen diagonals, which are also more expensive. The share of TV sets with a diagonal of 55 inches or more was already more than 65 percent in 2021. A total of EUR 4.1 billion in sales was generated in the TV sector. This results in an average price of EUR 694 per TV sold, an increase of 16 percent compared with 2020.
OLED sets were the sales drivers in 2021. They generated more than one billion euros in sales for the first time. The average price was more than 1600 euros.
At Galaxus, the average selling price of TV sets in 2021 was below those in the industry as a whole: at exactly 415 euros. This may be due to more favorable prices in online retail compared with stationary retail. Or it may also depend on whether portable TV sets were taken into account. These are included in the figures for Galaxus. Portable devices include those with a screen diagonal of 10 inches.
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My career as a journalist began back when printing presses were still a thing. Writing pieces for a publication aimed at breeders of small animals was my first steppingstone. Several years later, I got a call from headquarters. I was put in charge of several digitisation projects and establishing audience management strategies for regional newspapers and the NZZ. I’ve been with Digitec Galaxus since 2020, writing articles whenever I get the chance. As I have semi-superficial knowledge of many things, my spectrum of topics is quite broad.