I did it! Healthy habits put to the test
In my «I did it!» series, I try out various healthy habits. Daily power naps, smartphone detox and a month of Pilates are just some of the things I experimented with.
There are countless ways of treating yourself. And by that I mean boosting your health. More exercise, a healthier diet, good, restorative sleep, regular relaxation – the list goes on. Unfortunately, healthy routines can be hard to establish. In my «I did it!» series, I put several healthy habits to the test. Getting enough sleep for a week, drinking a glass of lemon-infused water every day, meditating or abstaining from using my phone. While some of these habits have become part of my everyday routine, I’ve confidently ditched others after a trial week. These are the habits I tested and what I thought of them:
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I did it!: can daily stretching exercises make you more flexible?
by Anna Sandner
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I did it! What happened after a week of daily back exercises
by Anna Sandner
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I did it! This is what a month of Wall Pilates did for me
by Anna Sandner
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I did it! One week of dance workouts
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I did it! Why my daily yoga’s here to stay
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I did it! Drinking lemon water every morning
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I did it! One week without coffee – caffeine withdrawal with unexpected results
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I did it! One week of drinking enough water
by Anna Sandner
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I did it! One week on a vegan diet
by Anna Sandner
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Can I turn myself into a regular tea drinker? Time to give it a go
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Why I’ll never give up my afternoon naps
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I did it! (Almost) a week without the smartphone
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I did it! Drawing for relaxation
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I did it! Or did I really manage to overthrow my inner night owl?
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I did it! Meditating every day for one week
by Anna Sandner
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I did it! One week of not procrastinating
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I did it! Lukewarm water in the morning wakes me up quickly and keeps me going round the clock
by Anna Sandner
The list is regularly updated as I continue to try out healthy habits. If you’d like me to try out something specific, just write it in the comments or send me an e-mail.
Header image: Anna Sandner
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Science editor and biologist. I love animals and am fascinated by plants, their abilities and everything you can do with them. That's why my favourite place is always outside - somewhere in nature, preferably in my wild garden.