Rank 21 out of 47Stiftung WarentestFernseher im Test - Gutes Bild und guter Ton - geht günstigReleaseJanuary 2024
Many criteria can play a role when buying a new television: Size, picture quality, sound or network functions, for example. However, price is often the most important factor. The good news is that good televisions are available for less than 450 euros.
Rank 21 out of 47Stiftung WarentestFernseher im Test - Gutes Bild und guter Ton - geht günstigReleaseJanuary 2024
Many criteria can play a role when buying a new television: Size, picture quality, sound or network functions, for example. However, price is often the most important factor. The good news is that good televisions are available for less than 450 euros.