Rank 4 out of 12Stiftung WarentestWLan-Lautsprecher im Test - Satter Sound ab 100 EuroReleaseMay 2023
The variety of WiFi speakers is enormous. The applications are as varied as the suppliers: Playing music from different sources, providing sound for individual rooms or the entire house, or communicating with voice assistants such as Alexa or Google Assistant. Among the Wi-Fi speakers tested, everyone will find the right device for their needs...
Very good100/100
Area DVDSingle testReleaseFebruary 2023
The Bluesound Pulse M impressed us deeply. The appearance is inconspicuous, but the sound quality is undoubtedly outstanding. Thanks to the natural, homogeneous design, you even really enjoy listening to classical music with the compact streaming speaker. But the flexible active sound transducer is also extremely suitable for pop, rock or techno/trance...