Company news

The Galaxus community invests around 1.3 million euros in climate protection

Tobias Billeter
Translation: Patrik Stainbrook

Ten per cent of all orders placed by the digitec Galaxus community in the last twelve months were climate-compensated. This has reduced or prevented the emission of an equivalent 60,000 metric tons of CO2¹. This is roughly equivalent to the annual greenhouse gas emissions of a small German town.

The Galaxus community has invested quite a hefty sum into global carbon avoidance and reduction over the past twelve months. In just under 10 per cent of all orders, customers offset purchase-related C02 emissions directly in our store. This means that since launching the offer, almost 1.3 million euros has gone towards selected climate protection projects offered by our partner South Pole within one year. All to prevent the deforestation of tropical rainforests, promote renewable energies and advance local educational initiatives that make climate protection possible in structurally weak regions. «I’m very pleased that many of our customers regularly offset their purchases. It shows that an uncomplicated and transparent compensation option meets customer needs,» says Oliver Herren, CIO of digitec Galaxus. «We want to make it as easy as possible for our customers to make good purchase decisions while keeping sustainability in mind.»

Neutralising the CO2 emissions of a small German town

Thanks to said climate protection projects, you’ve all offset at least 60,000 tons of CO2. According to the Federal Environment Agency, Germany emits around ten tons of carbon dioxide per capita every year. With its climate protection contributions, the shopping community has thus neutralised roughly the greenhouse gas emissions of a small town with 6,000 inhabitants. Or put another way: to absorb the same volume of CO2, a forest area of 60 square kilometres² is needed. This corresponds to around 8,300 football fields.

Despite the green thumb: gardening enthusiasts don’t automatically use climate compensation

At 19.05 per cent, pet supplies is the product category in which CO2 offsetting is used most frequently. This is followed by beauty and health (16.83 per cent) and household (14.68 per cent). Household articles are also the most frequently offset items in Switzerland, followed by sporting goods as well as beauty and health. In both markets, automotive products, i.e. everything to do with cars, are in last place. In Germany, the «climate compensation» button is selected in only 5.81 per cent of all orders in this segment. IT (5.97 per cent) and the DIY and garden sectors (8.49 per cent) are in second to last place.

¹ The figures relate to Galaxus Deutschland GmbH and the Swiss-based Digitec Galaxus AG, with the stores, and combined.

² The following rule of thumb serves as a basis for calculation: one hectare of forest stores 10-13 tons of CO2 per year

Graphics made with Flourish.

Contact for media representatives

Galaxus Deutschland
Public relations
Schützenstrasse 5, 22761 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 334 614 772

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