"Princess Peach Showtime!" preview: How to play the crazy princess game for the Switch
Princess Peach literally gets her own show. In "Princess Peach Showtime!", the noblewoman transforms from rescued to saviour. I was allowed to play Nintendo's latest work before its release in March and had a lot of fun despite the childish level of difficulty.
Princess Peach and her friends, the Toads, had actually planned a leisurely visit to the theatre. But then the nasty villainess Grape appears with her gang of sourpusses and everything turns out very differently. Now Peach has to save the theatre's actors from the villains.

Source: Screenshot: Nintendo
There is no trace of Mario. In "Princess Peach Showtime!", I play the princess herself. But she doesn't wear her iconic pink dress for long: I soon slip into a wide variety of outfits and never know what's coming next.
I choose the beginning: Peach's different roles
In the beginning, I stand in the foyer of the theatre with the theatre guard Stella and choose a stage area in any order using one of the four doors. Behind each door is a level that needs to be mastered. What's special: In each of the four levels, I transform into a different Peach with the help of Stella and gain special abilities. These are the transformations in detail so far:
Peach the Fencer
In a costume that reminds me of the three musketeers and armed with a sword, I have to master this level. In this level, everything is overgrown with thorny undergrowth, which I can clear with my sabre. The surroundings keep reminding me that I'm actually in a theatre. Stage elevations and spotlights are scattered throughout the level and sometimes point to hidden items and secrets.

Source: Screenshot: Nintendo
Ninja Peach
I have a lot of fun with her. In addition to her ninja moves to overpower enemies, Ninja Peach has another ability: she can hide in tall grass and on walls. This is important so that my opponents don't spot me with their oil lamps. If they do, I simply turn into a tree stump and have to start the journey all over again. Sounds funny and makes me smile. Fortunately, I can also move in the water and snorkel past the enemies with a bamboo cane.

Source: Screenshot: Nintendo
Cowgirl Peach
In the stage setting of the Wild West, I get a cool cowgirl outfit as Peach. My special ability: I catch the enemies with my lasso. When the crooks ride off on their horses, I get my own white horse to chase after them. The result is a wild chase that continues inexorably through part of the level. The stage feeling is also noticeable here: The horses are attached to the ceiling with ropes.

Source: Screenshot: Nintendo
This is a very special level and is not primarily aimed at capturing or fighting enemies. Instead, I make delicious desserts for the hungry actors in various mini-games. For example, I have to bake biscuits and decorate cakes. In addition to perfect timing, I need a sure instinct to dab the icing and decorations in the right places.

Source: Screenshot: Nintendo
Tasks and gameplay: not challenging, but varied
The controls are simple in all levels using the two buttons A and B. I jump with A, B depends on my current ability. As a swordswoman, Peach draws her sabre; as a cowgirl, I swing the lasso. I move through the levels in a 2.5D perspective. This sometimes makes it difficult to hit enemies straight away. The levels are linear. Nevertheless, I have the opportunity to explore the stage worlds. For example, one of the many stars that I can collect is hidden here and there. And sometimes I even find a secret underground passage.
Peach is funny and animated with great attention to detail, both when using her special abilities and in the short cutscenes. Just the way the princess has to lift up her heavy skirt to be able to walk to change outfits always makes me laugh.

Source: Screenshot: Nintendo
The big attraction of the game are the abilities, which always bring new surprises and are incorporated into the gameplay mechanics. Even though I mainly need two buttons, I always use them to perform different abilities - depending on the outfit. There's never a dull moment. Only the loading times of the levels. They seem far too long, especially when I'm in the flow.
After around an hour, I have played through the first four levels and the actors clear the way for me to the first floor of the theatre. What tasks and costumes await Peach there remains a surprise for me too.
Entertaining fun even for the little ones
"Princess Peach Showtime!" is amusing and creative, but only slightly challenging at the beginning. Just enough so that you can also try out the individual stage performances with younger children. With a sweet story and lovingly designed animations, the game is definitely something for the eyes too. I'm curious to see whether the finished game will keep me glued to the controller in the long term despite the low level of difficulty - or whether it will be even trickier.
This colourful delight will be available from 22 March for the Nintendo Switch. A detailed test report will follow at a later date.

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In my world, Super Mario chases Stormtroopers with a unicorn and Harley Quinn mixes cocktails for Eddie and Peter at the beach bar. Wherever I can live out my creativity, my fingers tingle. Or maybe it's because nothing flows through my veins but chocolate, glitter and coffee.