Pelvic floor toys – do they really work?
Kegel trainers are supposed to help you build a strong pelvic floor. This, in turn, is supposed to help me hold urine in better (and improve sex!). Here’s my experience.
Before I introduce «Easytoys», here’s why I want to strengthen my pelvic floor to begin with. Frankly, I sometimes have to go to the bathroom from one second to the next. So urgently, in fact, that I’ll often find myself rushing to the nearest food joint when I’m out shopping. At parties, I regularly patrol the halls to make sure there isn’t too long a line forming in front of the bathroom. If I’m too late, my only recourse is to plead and beg.
My mother’s convinced I’ve had a hyperactive bladder since childhood; I supposedly don’t let out all the pee. In other words, she’s diagnosed me with a condition called urinary retention. A urologist friend of mine has a different theory. To her, it sounds like urge incontinence. Also termed overactive bladder (OAB), urge incontinence is one of the most common forms of bladder weakness.In 2002, the «Internationale Kontinenzgesellschaft» (international society for continence) introduced this as an official designation – and, according to the «Internationale Kontinenzgesellschaft», around 15 to 20 per cent of people in Europe suffer from it. So why don’t we talk about it? It’s still quite the taboo. But taboos have always been a thorn in my side. And that’s led me to strengthen my pelvic floor – and write about it. You can read more about why this is so important here:
Testing the «Easytoys» Kegel training set
As a former sex columnist who still enjoys writing about women's health, pleasure and libido, this is almost a little embarrassing to admit: I’ve never tried love balls or anything like them. And, with the exception of the half-hearted exercise here and there, I’ve never trained my pelvic floor. But now I’m on a mission to find out if these toys can help me have a good, low-irritation, stress-free relationship with my bladder. I have the editorial team’s support, and I end up ordering two products off the bat. I chose them based on gut feeling, looks and reviews. After all, I don’t exactly have personal experience to go off of. Toys, be it the health- or fun-inspiring kind, have never been my thing. Okay, the only exception is my «Womanizer» collection, which has become quite sizeable.
Pelvic floor workout ft. toy – no lube needed
I finally decide on the «Easytoys» pelvic floor exerciser set. It contains three Kegel balls made of soft silicone, each with a silicone string for easy removal, and a tube of water-based lubricant. The pink, purple and turquoise balls each have a different weight: 45 grammes, 60 grammes and 75 grammes, respectively. The idea is that you gradually work your way up. I traded up from pink to purple very quickly, but took my time before venturing to use the turquoise one. I barely felt the pink ball inside me – it wasn’t much different than a tampon – and it was frankly too light for me. By the way, the lube really isn’t necessary. Mine’s been transferred to the «fun drawer» at my bedside, where it’s waiting for better days – or rather, nights.
For about four weeks, I used the Kegel balls daily, sometimes consciously, other times subconsciously tightening my pelvic floor muscles to keep them in place. I’ve steadily increased the amount of time I keep them in, from 15 minutes to «whoops, forgot they were still in there!» The «Easytoys» live up to their name. They’re also very accommodating to my innate inconsistency, as there aren’t any additional exercises I have to perform besides simply keeping them in. But I’ve found you automatically develop a certain ambition. During yoga, for example, the Kegel balls allowed me to finally understand what the deal was with activating the pelvic floor – also known as «Mula Bandha». For the first time, I could actually feel it. During boxing, things proved a bit more adventurous: turns out it’s not so easy to keep the balls in place while skipping rope.
The «Easytoys» balls increased pleasure
After just three weeks, I did notice that, while my bladder is still a pissy sissy, I do have less trouble with leaks. My bladder control has significantly improved. Regardless, I’m still considering going to a professional to explore other options to strengthen my pelvic floor. The advice I’ve found online has left me rather perplexed.
Oh, before I forget: I didn’t find using the Kegel balls to be an erotic experience in and of itself. However, pelvic floor training using tools like the «Easytoys» Kegel balls does increase pleasure both for women and men – for example, thanks to stronger vaginal contractions during orgasm. I can confirm this. In addition to all this, toys like this are supposed to build the relationship to your intimate parts. But mine was already shipshape to begin with.
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