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From now on, you’ll find an insert in every Galaxus package with product suggestions – but also a short treatise on pimples and the state of the world.

The world has certainly seen better years. The consequences of climate change are becoming increasingly apparent. War in Yemen, Syria, Ethiopia, and now Europe, among others. As if that weren’t enough, a pandemic has been raging for almost two and a half years. At least we seem to have moved past its peak for the moment. It’s not kicking about as hard as it used to. This has led to the mandatory use of masks disappearing almost everywhere – just in time for hay fever season. For people like me, taking a deep breath can only be understood in a figurative sense.

Alas, masks aren’t the only thing taking up room on my face: pimples are popping up. My first impulse: «Go away!» Not only because I’m more vain than I’d like. But also because I’m a so-called popaholic. I’d love to squeeze the pimples of everyone around me.

People who find this disgusting will be glad to know that, according to our Galaxus Beauty Editor Natalie Hemengül, restraint is the order of the day. Pressing on pustules with your own fingers – which, after all, have been washed more often since Corona – can aggravate inflammation or even lead to small scars.

Her tip? Rub a slice of garlic on your pimple. Its anti-inflammatory action is said to shrink pimples overnight. This treatment comes with a price: a cheek that smells of garlic. If you don’t want to pay this price, you can use tea tree oil as an alternative. It stinks too, but differently.

And if nothing else really helps, there’s always the «conceal don’t remove» method: apply concealer and start treating the problem earlier next time – or continue masking.

The insert from which this short article is taken can now be found in every Galaxus package.

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